Peaks Island, Maine
Our recent summer vacation consisted of a trip to a beautiful island in Maine. Peaks Island is the most populous island in Casco Bay, Maine. It is part of the city of Portland and is about 3 miles from downtown. The island became a popular summer destination in the late 19th century, when it was known as the Coney Island of Maine, home to hotels, cottages, theaters, and amusement parks. Today, there are just a few hotels, many cottages both quaint and gaudy but no theaters nor amusement parks. Below is a photo of a couple of quaint cottages overlooking Casco Bay and Portland in the distance. I will spare you the pain of a pic of a McMansion on the island.
According to data sheet about Peaks Island by the ferry, Peaks Island currently has a population of 941 individuals with a median household income of $62, 975 (not too shabby). While small, the island hosts a variety of businesses including an old fashioned ice cream parlor, pictured below, restaurant, grocery store, kayak rentals, golf cart rentals, art galleries and two tiny museums. Folks get around the island by walking, running, via golf cart or riding a bicycle. We either walked or rode a bike around the island during our stay.
We stayed at a home on the ocean side while on Peaks Island. Our home overlooking the ocean was owned by Victor Romanyshn, a spectacular and well respected local photographer. The home had spectacular grounds and was relaxation paradise personified. Below are two photos. The first is a view of the grounds of the home and the second is of Pat reading while surrounded by the artwork of the late Victor Romanyshn.
Peaks Island's population swells to 2500 a day with renters and day visitors in the summer. Wow! It also hosts many events over the summer that swell the population dramatically. While we were visiting, there was a 5 mile running race that brought a few thousand folks to the island. Here is a photo of the start of the race.
While it was not easy leaving our home, Pat did venture a visit to the local public beach on the island. The beach is simple, reachable via a ramp, with no lifeguard and freezing water. Not many ventured getting in the water.
Finally, I can't wait to spend another week in the not so distant future relaxing on this lovely island. Allow me the pleasure of ending this post with pics of a field on the island, cairns by the ocean and a sunset.